Associated references
Title Journal Year Authors
Utility of brushing cytology in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection. Acta Cytol. MS. Huang, WM. Wang, DC. Wu, LT. Chen, CM. Jan, CY. Chen, SC. Lee
The 13C urea breath test to assess Helicobacter pylori infection in school children. Natl Med J India SP. Dore, S. Krupadas, S. Borgonha, AV. Kurpad
Quadruple therapy versus standard triple therapy for eradication of Helicobacter pylori in Kuwait. Arab J Gastroenterol M. Alboraie, M. Saad, J. Al-Ali, M. Malik, N. Asem, I. Schmidt, AA. Alfadhli
Comparison of invasive and noninvasive methods for the diagnosis and evaluation of eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection in children. Arch. Med. Res. P. Yañez, AM. la Garza, G. Pérez-Pérez, L. Cabrera, O. Muñoz, J. Torres
Mass spectrometry and 3-nitrotyrosine: strategies, controversies, and our current perspective. Mass Spectrom Rev D. Tsikas, MW. Duncan
The respiratory effects of volatile organic compounds. Int J Occup Environ Health GP. Pappas, RJ. Herbert, W. Henderson, J. Koenig, B. Stover, S. Barnhart
Breath test diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease: a noninvasive primary care option. J Am Board Fam Pract MW. Felz, GJ. Burke, BM. Schuman
Sleep-disordered breathing in nondialyzed patients with chronic renal failure. Lung N. Markou, M. Kanakaki, P. Myrianthefs, D. Hadjiyanakos, D. Vlassopoulos, A. Damianos, K. Siamopoulos, M. Vasiliou, S. Konstantopoulos
13C-Urea breath test is superior in sensitivity to detect Helicobacter pylori infection than either antral histology or rapid urease test. J. Physiol. Paris G. Sütö, A. Vincze, F. Pakodi, B. Hunyady, O. Karádi, M. Garamszegi, T. László, G. Mózsik
Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and intestinal parasitosis in children of the Xingu Indian Reservation. J Pediatr (Rio J) ML. Escobar-Pardo, AP. de Godoy, RS. Machado, D. Rodrigues, U. Fagundes Neto, E. Kawakami
Associated compounds
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other All
Name Structure Number of references
Oxan-2-one 1
Octyl acetate 1