Thromboxane B2


Description of thromboxane B2 with associated disease summary

Disease summary

Thromboxane B2

Thromboxane A2 (TxA2) is implicated in inflammation in asthmatic airway. TxA2 is converted to chemically stable Thromboxane B2 (TxB2) rapidly, so TxB2 is measured instead of TxA2 in asthmatic subjects. TxB2 was usually measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). However, it was reported that TxB2 was undetectable in EIA. Authors have found radioimmunoassay (RIA) used in their lab may be useful in detecting TxB2 (Inflamm. Res, (2005)). Description of disease(s) related to Thromboxane B2:


Thromboxane B2 which is converted from Thromboxane A2 is higher measured concentrations in asthma subjects than in healthy subjects.

Summary of extracted biomedical information

Thromboxane b2 is associated with abnormalities such as Asthma. The involved biomedical functions are known as Thromboxane Production, attenuation and Synthesis.

Associated references with human 4

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Reference title

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Journal Year Authors & PubMed Link
Effect of aspirin on airway inflammation and pulmonary function in patients with persistent asthma. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2008 D. Menzies, A. Nair, KT. Meldrum, P. Hopkinson, BJ. Lipworth
J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2008 May;121(5):1184-1189.e4. PubMed:18313127
Role of nitric oxide in hemostatic system activation in vivo in humans. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 1995 K. Krejcy, L. Schmetterer, J. Kastner, M. Nieszpaur-Los, B. Monitzer, W. Schütz, HG. Eichler, PA. Kyrle
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 1995 Nov;15(11):2063-7. PubMed:7583590
Limited maximal airway narrowing in nonasthmatic subjects. Role of neural control and prostaglandin release. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 1985 PJ. Sterk, EE. Daniel, N. Zamel, FE. Hargreave
Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 1985 Oct;132(4):865-70. PubMed:2864892
Contact urticaria and airway obstruction from carbonless copy paper. JAMA JG. Marks, JJ. Trautlein, CW. Zwillich, LM. Demers
JAMA 1984 Aug 24-31;252(8):1038-40. PubMed:6235381

Associated curated diseases 1

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Associated disease mapping

Mapping of all associated diseases to thromboxane B2 is displayed in red.

Heart Lung Airway Esophagus Kidney Intestine
Disease Name

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Description of MeSH term

with link to MeSH Database

Number of references
Asthma MeSH: Asthma
A form of bronchial disorder with three distinct components: airway hyper-responsiveness (RESPIRATORY HYPERSENSITIVITY), airway INFLAMMATION, and intermittent AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION. It is characterized by spasmodic contraction of airway smooth muscle, WHEEZING, and dyspnea (DYSPNEA, PAROXYSMAL).
Link to MeSH Database: D001249

Associated abnormalities 1

Concept Name External ID Weighted Score Hits References
Asthma ICD9-CM:493.9 1000.0 1
  1. Effect of aspirin on airway inflammation and pulmonary function in patients with persistent asthma.
    D. Menzies, A. Nair, KT. Meldrum, P. Hopkinson, BJ. Lipworth (2008) J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.

Associated chemicals 0

No associated chemicals are detected in current reference collection.

There are 4 associated references with thromboxane B2. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated chemicals are detected in our text-mining workflow, we cannot extract any chemical terms from the associated reference collection.

Associated functions 0

No associated functions are detected in current reference collection.

There are 4 associated references with thromboxane B2. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated functions are detected in our text-mining workflow, we cannot extract any function terms from the associated reference collection.

Associated genes 0

No associated genes are detected in current reference collection.

There are 4 associated references with thromboxane B2. Due to lack of full text of references or no associated genes are detected in our text-mining workflow, we cannot extract any gene terms from the associated reference collection.

Chemical Information

Formula C20H34O6
Mass 370.486
Synonyms thromboxane B2
9S,11,15S-trihydroxy-thromboxa-5Z,13E-dien-1-oic acid
PG Thromboxane B2
(5Z,9|A,11RS,13E,15S)-9,11,15-Trihydroxythromboxa-5,13-dien-1-oic acid
Thromboxa-5,13-dien-1-oic acid, 9,11,15-trihydroxy-, (5Z,9alpha,13E,15S)-
PubChem CID 5283137